WMost of us who love this country have been asking the same question since Novenber 4th  “What do we do now to save this country from the left?” It’s been said that we should abandon the Republican swamp like they did us and start a new Patriot Party. I disagree, why would we give up the party we built, the infrastructure involved and never win an election again? A friend cut down this video to a more manageable time so that you get the point and can act accordingly. Essentially there are 200,00 open slots in the Republican committee at the local, state and national level. Watch the video and all of the links/contact info is below. We need to fill these with MAGA PATRIOTS! Share this everywhere the movement is strong!

Where do I sign up?
Start by calling your local republicans at the county level. More info on how to act at http://www.theprecintsproject.wordpess.com http://www.rightlanenetwork.com plus Dan Schultz contact and social media info is in the graphic under the video.